Thursday, 17 June 2010


Another hard one for me.  I had a good rummage through my fabrics knowing that I had some silk somwhere.  I may have a vast collection of fabrics but I know and remember every single piece - it's a bit like people who have untidy desks - they know exactly where everything is!  I have had these pieces for over 10 years - one even still has the price in French Francs!  I love bows and was inspired by my wedding dress which had a beautiful silk bow at the back.  I couldn't resist putting some silk and satin ribbons together too. 


  1. I completely understand where you're coming from. Pretty photos and ribbons :)

  2. SO beautiful.

  3. Definitely smooth :) So lush, too!

  4. I love that bow! I can never tie fabric bows... yours is lovely :)

  5. Craetive. I'm having a tough time with this one! I love your ribbon.
