Monday 19 December 2011

Tuesday 6 December 2011

Sometimes... all comes together and you know in your heart that you've got it right.  It's a hard to find "aha" moment for me, when that profoundly exciting feeling of "I've got it" flows through those creative veins and I think "that's it". I rush, I rummage, I have to churn out something so that the flow stays with me and doesn't escape into thin air.  Sometimes I search hard to find it and still it eludes me, but I know it will turn up eventually and when I happen upon it, it has to be captured, it is so special, as are all matters of the heart.

Covered notebooks

Covered matchboxes - whimsy everywhere.

My favourite dishcloths of all time.

A little cup of tea... go with a little cake.

I wonder if all creative souls ever feel that way, or is it just me!? (Yikes!)

Liz xx